Tasks & Struktures2025-03-24T16:24:06+01:00

Tasks and Structures

The German Film Industry Association (SPIO) represents the interests of the German film industry in the areas of film production, film distribution, film theaters and audiovisual media. As an umbrella organization of 16 professional associations, it represents more than 1,400 member companies. The aim of the SPIO is to strengthen German film in its diversity, quality and international perception and to ensure its competitiveness as an economic and cultural asset.

SPIO History

The Spitzenorganisation der Filmwirtschaft e.V. (SPIO) was founded in 1923 in Berlin as the umbrella organization for the production, distribution, and cinema industry. After the nationalization of the film industry by the National Socialists and the dissolution of the association in 1933, SPIO was re-established in Wiesbaden in 1949. Today, it represents 16 professional associations and companies in the fields of film production, film distribution, cinemas, and audiovisual media, collectively representing over 1,400 member companies.

As the body responsible for the Voluntary Self-Regulation of the Film Industry (FSK), SPIO operates Germany’s oldest self-regulation institution. The age ratings for films and digital media ensure legal protection for minors.

SPIO’s responsibilities include not only representing film and media policy interests but also providing services for its members. These members can obtain accreditation for the Berlin International Film Festival through SPIO. Other services include maintaining a title register and providing extensive statistical analyses. Legal assessments of films can be commissioned from a legal commission. A subsidiary of SPIO, S.M.S. SPIO Management Service GmbH, handles administrative tasks and provides management services for other institutions.

SPIO is also the organizer of the annual German Film Ball.

Cultural Commitment

From the very beginning, SPIO has been culturally engaged. It is a co-founder of the German Institute for Film Studies (Deutsches Institut für Filmkunde e.V.), re-established in 1950—now known as DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum. It is also the founder of the Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Foundation, which is responsible for preserving, maintaining, restoring, reconstructing, and making accessible a significant part of Germany’s „film cultural heritage.“

German Film Artists‘ Emergency Aid

In 1950, SPIO launched the German Film Artists‘ Emergency Aid (Deutsche Filmkünstlernothilfe), a donation-funded charitable foundation that supports film professionals in financial distress.

SPIO Office Berlin

On July 1, 2012, the Spitzenorganisation der Filmwirtschaft e.V. (SPIO) opened an office in Berlin. The SPIO Berlin office coordinates the association’s work on key economic, legal, and political issues affecting the entire industry. SPIO provides statements on legislative proposals and represents its positions in both public and political spheres. It advocates for the protection of intellectual property and copyright and plays an important role in youth media protection.

You can subscribe to the SPIO Policy Newsletter [here].

You can contact the staff of the Berlin office here:


Spitzenorganisation der Filmwirtschaft e.V.
Kantstraße 150
10623 Berlin
Phone: +49 30-257944-50
Email: spio-berlin@spio.de

SPIO Representative

Attorney Heiko Wiese is responsible for copyright law and youth media protection as SPIO’s appointed representative.

SPIO Berlin Office
Kantstraße 150
10623 Berlin

Email: wiese@spio.de
Phone: +49 30-257944-53
Fax: +49 30-257944-51

»Wir schaffen Filme, wir handeln Filme, wir sehen Filme. Deutschland ist ein Kinoland.«

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